From this conversation and google content Gambling Email Address strategy group.“start with what you hear often and with a thesaurus. In general, I include a lot of terms that might be opposites (e.G., traditional and modern, strategic and tactical) as well as terms that represent shades on the same continuum (e.G., avant-garde, forward -gardist, avant-garde). See krista stevens' blog post for more details. " (margot)include Gambling Email Address words that stakeholders have “used in the past to describe their brand.” you can also “cannibalize” your tone of voice and writing guidelines, and add “terms that have come up in user testing, design concepts, whatever.” (elizabeth mcguane)"We took commonly used words like
Funny' and tried to break them Gambling Email Address down into more specific terms, like 'cheeky', 'witty', 'ironical', for example." (aimee cornell)if you're using margot's terms, "Pre-pick" the ones you think are most Gambling Email Address relevant and conducive to discussion in your group. (sadia latifi)exclude terms that could be “distracting” or “potentially inflammatory” for this group. (margot, content strategy at work)include terms that are "Intentionally ambiguous to invite discourse." (margot, content strategy at work)related content on hand:focus your marketing: define your 3 critical(ish) words3. Bring the stakeholders
Together in a room.An effective Gambling Email Address message architecture depends on a conversation-based shared vocabulary; no one can create a message architecture alone. Invite all those who need to be involved List in decisions and all those whose support will be needed.4. Sort the cards.Spread out your Gambling Email Address cards on a table large enough for everyone to stand on the same side. Spend 45-60 minutes sorting the cards.Separate the cards into three groups:who we arewho we are notwho we would like to besorting cardsphoto courtesy of margot bloomsteinas you sort, encourage conversation, even friendly arguments.